Yogic breathing as we know, incorporates
the three types of partial respiration.
In the first stages of learning, it is best
to lie flat on the back.
Begin by breathing slowly and deeply from
the stomach, and, when you feel that it is impossible to raise the
stomach any further, expand the ribs, and allow still more air to enter
the lungs.
When the ribs are fully extended, raise the
collar-bones so that yet a little more air can enter. By this time you
are filled to the brim with air! Avoid any tensing of the muscles of
the hands, face and neck, particularly in the last stage (clavicular)
of the breathing.
The three movements, as we have already
pointed out, should be done in a "chain link" system, keeping them
entirely separate and visible to the outside observer.
FAULTS Having allowed the stomach to fill
with air by flattening the diaphragm, people sometimes cut short the
entry of air at that moment, drawing in the stomach in order to allow
the air to rise (or so they think) to the apex of the lungs.
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